Thursday, May 7, 2020

It's Not Okay - a poem about hate

It’s Not Okay                                                     
By Stephanie Redmond copyright May 7, 2020

It’s not okay to hate
One another
Or each other
Because of skin
Or creed

It’s not okay to teach hate
Or spew hate
Or belittle others
Because they’re different from you
Or me
Or we

It’s not okay to be silent
And look away
Pretend not to see
Because it’s not me
Or mine
And act like it can’t be
Just because

It isn’t pretty

We are called to love
As God has loved us
Because He has loved us
It’s how we show the world
The love He has for us

We are all made in the image of God
Who loves us
And died for us
And commands us
To love
Our neighbor
As ourselves

Anything less is not okay