Tuesday, December 5, 2017

It's Not Too Late to Try Something New

It's not a small thing, stepping out in a new direction. Maybe "new direction" isn't the right wording. I've actually added something to my life. I've become a Certified Neurotransformational Coach (Life Coach - but not really). For lack of a better category, it can be life coaching, but it really is a thing of it's own. You can also call me a Language Cop. It's a lot of what I do. And I call you out. For sure. When I hear things that don't line up, yeah, I call you out. And, God willing, I help you untangle things in such a profound way that you feel like you can come up with solutions and take your next steps. That by itself is a big deal.

Definition aside, I'm telling you that it's not a small thing to start something new, especially at 56 years old. Still, here I am. I had a calling on my heart, an urge that had to be answered and I answered. One day, I signed up for one, then another class. And suddenly, I booked a flight to Los Angeles and immersed myself in some intense training with some awesome people. I may have been the oldest one there. And it's a big deal. It took courage. It took stepping up for myself. It took being willing to fail. All that, and those are things I'm not particularly great at - or haven't been in the past (Language Cop at work).

Here's the thing. We have choices all along the way as we walk this planet Earth. One of the choices we are dealing with all the time is whether or not we will grow and change or call it good and stop growing, deciding life is as good as it's gonna get and there's no point. It just so happens that I don't believe in that. I believe we are best served when we keep learning, growing, changing - evolving - when we find new roads to take and are willing to be challenged as we go. The easy road doesn't stretch you. I'm not saying it's not ok to rest along the way and enjoy where you are. Not at all. I'm saying I can love everything about where I am and still want a new adventure, a new challenge. I'm not done contributing. And I suppose, I don't want you to be done either. I want to help you find ways to go forward, find more, live more, experience more. I want to be a part of helping you and anyone else God brings my way find more joy, more satisfaction, more fulfillment in life.

So, I took a chance. I did the thing. I have no idea where it's going to go. All I know is this path has a little sign with my name on it. And I think it points to more joy and fulfillment for me as well. It's exciting. It's also terrifying in a way. I feel a bit exposed. But, I'm going down that path anyway. Time will tell if it's a completely new direction or just an addition to the path I was already on. A choice to walk further. That's what it feels like. So my resumé is growing. And so am I.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. Rom 12:2

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