Lack of clarity impedes progress. You cannot get where you
want to go when you don’t even know where you’re going. Gaining clarity gives focus
and is a major contributor to action. Clarity of purpose. Clarity of identity.
Clarity of end goals. Some people have more clarity around their issues than
other people and make the leap seemingly effortlessly. They feel the discord,
examine it, determine and action step and leap!
They have clarity. They know where
they are going. They may be unclear as to the path but know the one they’re on
won’t lead them to their desired destination so they leap off one path and onto
another. They are fueled by the clarity of their mission. They trust themselves
to work out the details later. Others of us lack that clarity and so we resist
change. They say, “A confused mind does nothing.” If this is you, there are
some things that can help lead to greater clarity and help you know what to do.
Self-awareness is a great tool for starting this process. Do
you feel that sense of discord I mentioned? Are you experiencing a sense of being
misfit for your situation? Do you sense a holy dissatisfaction? Are you
misaligned with your goals and dreams? Do you feel burdened? Are you lacking
joy? Is your ego constantly engaged but rarely your heart? A head/heart
examination may be in order! Our logical mind wants safety, security, sameness.
Our heart engages with passions and calling. Which one is in charge of your
choices? Learning to be self-aware is powerful particularly in decision-making.
When you learn to recognize the misalignment, you can begin to evaluate
alternative paths. You must know where you’re going and rightly assess your
positioning in terms of the desired result.
Knowing what you
are committed to is intensely valuable. Are you more committed to staying where
you are (even if it’s “wrong”) or to your mission and purpose? Are you more
committed to pleasing others or doing what’s best for you? Are you more
committed to resisting change or personal growth? The truth is, staying where
you are and doing what you’ve always done is rarely good for your personal
development. Picture a stagnant stream. The stream used to flow freely and was
vibrant. When it becomes dammed up, the stream just barely trickles through and
the stagnant water becomes unhealthy, toxic. Another image that comes to mind
is a roller coaster. It can move forward on its own momentum for a time but
without a forward charge of some sort will eventually move backwards when the climb
becomes steep. The point is no commitment to new action could leave you stagnant
and eventually backsliding. When fully committed to the end destination, as
best you see it now, you will be compelled to take action.
What if there is a deadline to your dreams? What if change is
only possible in a certain time frame? What if – man! What if someone needs you on the next path and you refuse to
leap? I recently had a coaching session with a woman dealing with making a
major career change and walked her across an imagnary bridge. I urged her to
look at the end of the bridge and see the people that she may be uniquely qualified to help. Refusing to go to them, to help
them really isn’t even a possibility for this woman. If you add in a sense of
time urgency, the willingness to go multiplies. None of us is guaranteed a long
life. None of us have an infinite amount of time to complete our purpose. There
are things that will not, do not wait for us to become “perfect” or “good
enough”. We must leap into action now or risk missing work that is intended for
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