Borrowed from the internet. |
Having said that, I am realizing some accidental growth of a type. What I mean is that I did not decide to read Covey's book on my own. It was assigned to me as part of a college class. But, and hear me here, one can read all the self help books in the world and not get the help the books are designed to give. What's the difference? Why do some get help and some don't? I believe it's wrapped up in the concept at hand: proactive behavior. I have chosen to take this book to heart and implement what I am learning. Hello, proactive choice!
I'm so determined to be the best I can be and live out what I teach that I have (of my own volition) acquired an accountability partner. Here's what we do: each week each of us establishes a list of goals and commitments for the week. We check in with each other 3 days a week and report on our progress. Neither is grading or judging the other or trying to motivate the other into action. We are simply checking in and reporting our progress. If we choose to, we can establish rewards and consequences (Note: if you decide to be consequence based in your own approach, I recommend having a goal that doesn't require perfection. That's not usually very effective anyway. You might say you have a goal to do something 5 days a week, but your consequence is based on allowing a day to be missed. Your reward might be based on 4/5 days (small reward) - all 5 days (better reward)) At any rate, we each decide what's most effective for us.
Setting up goals for the week and designing a plan to reach them, along with incentives and accountability can be a great path to personal growth and is, you guessed it, highly proactive. I don't know anyone who actually desires to be less than their best, however, most of us are leaving our growth up to chance. How can we expect excellent results from mediocre effort? I'm working on this, too. I'm growing. The thing is, I'm not leaving my personal growth up to chance. I'm being intentional, proactive. After all, this is my life we're talking about. I believe that people who are living miserably or having a mediocre life experience are not choosing to be proactive. The reason they're not being proactive may lie in the belief that "this is as good as it gets". Well, I have one question: Who says so? I mean, who is in charge of your life? Are you going to leave your happiness and success up to the four winds? You and you, alone get to choose the path you take in life. While things will continue to happen all around you, things you can't control, you get to decide how you're going to react. You always have the choice to see things differently, to take your life back through proactive behavior.
Healthy food choice |
Tips for More Proactive Living
1 - Hire a Life Coach.
2 - Get an accountability partner.
3 - Be intentional with your time and personal growth.
4 - Make time for what's truly important. Put it on your calendar.
5 - Set weekly goals, rewards, and consequences.
6 - Resist perfectionism.
7 - Nurture yourself through good nutrition and self care.
8 - Set alarms in your phone as reminders to stay on track with goals.
9 - Control your calendar instead of letting it control you.
10 - Take control of your growth through what you read, listen to, spend time on.
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