There’s a conversation going on in society around the topic
of not giving up. It says things like, “success lives right around the corner from
I quit” and “never, never give up”. Amen! Right on! Never give up! Keep on
keepin’ on! Press on! Fight to the finish! And, sometimes, this very thought
process is what will keep us held back, stuck in an endless do-loop of trying so hard to be all that we think we
should be.
Now, note – I said “sometimes”. It’s true that perseverance
often serves us and that quitting doesn’t. It’s true that success, real success
requires moving outside of the infamous comfort zone and into new,
uncomfortable, even scary, territory. Success even requires failure. Requires failure! Believe me, I’m not
suggesting you don’t need to persevere when things get challenging and
irritating, when you find yourself failing. That, my friend, really is very
often the very sign of a breakthrough. When things get tough you can celebrate moving
closer to your goals – usually.
There can be a problem though. I urge you to carefully
consider if you’re actually on the path that’s right for you, best for you. What if you’re hanging onto
a goal that isn’t meant for you? What if getting what you think you want will
keep you from finding what is best for you? What if you’re on the wrong path or
have wrong motives?
Some reasons we may need to reconsider our paths:
1. Our goals and dreams might be interfering with
God’s plan. We may have a desire to achieve something that is in opposition to
what God wants for us or others. God’s plans will prevail.
We may be looking for security in tangible things.
Our hope may be resting in something other than God. That’s an idol. Tangible
things cannot satisfy the true desires of our heart.
Our motives may be much more about self than
others (no matter how we word it). Speaking from experience here. It’s possible
to say the right things but not
actually mean them – even when we think we do.
We may need to learn something on another path
in order to successfully walk the one we’re currently trying to manage. Think
about that. You may need a temporary detour.
My friend and fellow coach, Robin, gave a group of us a
great visual this week. It’s the earth cut up into puzzle pieces. She shared
that we each have our place in the world and if we don’t do our part then there’s
a missing puzzle piece. That got me to thinking about spiritual gifts and
ministries in the body of Christ – the church. The Bible says each believer is
gifted by the Holy Spirit – given supernatural gifts for growing the body. The
Bible also says that “we are [Christ’s] workmanship [poema] created for good works which He prepared in advance for us
to do” (Ephesians 2:10). And we cannot miss the truth around integrity. We can
fall out of integrity with God and with ourselves and even with those around us.
We compromise. We lose sight of things that really matter. Our priorities and
values may not be aligning. All of these offer insights to reasons we may need
to look at another path.
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