So many things are coming together in my head this morning ... realizing I feel hurt by someone taking me off of their friend list, absorbing a mind-blowing Scripture passage, facing some negative consequences of positive action (reference the unfriending part), realizing not everyone will like me or agree with me... and reckoning with that. It's o.k. It really is. You don't have to like me. You don't have to agree with me. I'm not here to please you. And that means you're not here to please me - or anyone else for that matter.
by Stephanie Redmond, 2018
In a perfect world
We’d all be perfect.
There’d be no sin, no guilt, no shame.
There’d be no wrong and
You couldn’t be disappointed by me
Or me by you.
In a perfect world
You wouldn’t talk behind my back
Nor I behind yours.
Love would cover all
And there’d be no need
For “You hurt me”,
“I was wrong” and
“Please forgive me”.
In a perfect world
Sheep wouldn’t stray and
Shepherds would care for the one who did.
There’d be no tears, divorce, or even death.
We would love richly, worship freely, and
Live happily -
Ever after.
In a perfect world
I suppose we’d have no need for God,
Would never seek His face or
Know the power of His grace.
Thank God this world is not perfect.
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