I have tried all sorts of things through the years to be
thinner, smaller, and more fit. As many as I’ve tried, there are still many
more that I haven’t. The Thigh Master – never tried it. Suzanne Somers almost
convinced me, but still managed not to. The Ab Roller – hmm. Nope. How about
you? Have you jumped on band wagon after band wagon trying to feel thinner or be thinner? Most of us have. It’s the thing we’re supposed to do.

Now, hear me loud and clear. I’m all for taking care of
yourself. In fact, I’m more committed to this endeavor than ever before. My life is a
gift from God and I, increasingly, believe I have a responsibility to steward
that gift well. I'm thankful for my body and I
want to take care of it. I haven’t always, but then I don’t know that I’ve ever thought
about it quite that way before either. If I want to live long and live well, I
am wise to care for this earthly dwelling and keep it strong, fit and able.
After all, I don’t know what plans God may have for me that would require physical
strength or fitness. I do know that I’ve neglected my body through the years
and it’s cost me. My physical limitations made many things difficult and I was
in a lot of pain as well. I’m sure it limited what I could say “Yes” to.

Back to the main point. Have you ever noticed how our
perception of our bodies changes in direct proportion to the way we’re treating
them? If I take a day and gorge out – eat junk, sit around,
lie around – and even more so if that
day extends to a week or a month, I’ve noticed that I
feel fat. My actual weight doesn’t even have to change. I just perceive
myself differently. Does that happen to you? I become hyper aware of my
lack of fitness, my hip curves and my
belly – and not in a good way. Of course, prolonged poor diet also makes one
feel sluggish which doesn’t help. And it usually increases bloating. That doesn’t
help my perception either. Before long, my attitude is suffering and I don’t
like my reflection in the mirror. From there, a sort of spiral effect takes place
and that spawns more of the unhealthy behavior that started the whole thing!

Here’s a trick. Really, I’ve found this works. I’ve tested
it over and over and it really works. I stop the madness and start eating for
my health. I make choices that give energy and are inarguably healthy by anyone’s
standards. Instantly, I begin to feel better about myself. And almost magically,
the negative impressions of myself begin to morph into good opinions. One day
of good self-care with healthy thinking yields thoughts of feeling thinner and
more energetic. I’ve noticed the same thing with exercise. Simply getting up
from my chair and getting active instantly improves my emotional state and
feelings about my body.

Yesterday, after days of increasing indulgence that eventually
became detrimental versus fun ( i.e. eating when I wasn’t hungry, gorging on
fattening treats even with a stomach ache), I felt awful. I felt less
attractive. I felt disappointed in myself. I felt
unhealthy. I finally decided enough was enough and reminded myself
that I have the complete power to choose differently. My choices were mine and
mine alone and I knew that I could turn that old train around. Furthermore, I
knew I deserved it. I stopped the madness first by owning my decisions. I wrote
a “Dear Diary” blog that I may share one day and admitted how unkindly I’d been
treating myself. I accepted responsibility for my choices. Next, I made the plan
to choose healthy food for dinner and get myself right back on my normal eating
plan. I had a grilled meat dinner with steamed asparagus. Plain and simple. And
do you know what? Instantly all of those bad feelings, even the physical ones
went away. I immediately felt thinner and more importantly, I felt proud of my decision.
This morning it was easy to make healthy choices.

Try it. Try making your next choice a choice that serves
your best health. It’s not about “diet” or even “working out”. It’s about you
and your value. It’s about self-care which starts with self-love. Only you can
take care of yourself, sister. One decision at a time. One meal at a time. Your
life is a gift. Are you treating it as such?
Tips on Feeling Thinner
1) Own your choices.
2) Accept responsibility.
3) Be thankful for your life and your body.
4) Stop the madness.
5) Make the next choice a healthy one.
6) Start now!
God's Masterpiece - take care of yourself physically to be your best spiritually. It 's a part of my message of Feast2Live.
ReplyDeleteDiane Burton, The Masterpiece Coach
Great thoughts Stephanie - thank you for sharing.